Instanton-phobia (part 2)
In this post, I'll try to describe a little bit about moduli spaces of ASD connections on closed four-manifolds. This includes a very rough sketch of Donaldson's diagonalization theorem. Much of this is a summary of content in Saveliev's book "Invariants for Homology 3-Spheres". Four-manifolds: On three-manifolds, we were interested in flat connections , which roughly correspond with representations of the fundamental group. Much of the excitement of four-manifold topology revolves around simply-connected four-manifolds, so this would not always be an effective invariant. Instead, we work instead with what is called the ASD moduli space. Let $X$ be a closed, connected, oriented, smooth 4-manifold and $E$ a principal $SU(2)$ bundle (these are determined by $\langle c_2(E), [X] \rangle$, so you can just think of a choice of integer), we can consider the solutions to the so-called anti-self-dual (ASD) equation : $$F_A...